A place to converse as a community, about community...and other such things

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Stop Teenage Affluenza

I was reading THIS BLOG and saw this:

Help! Stop! The afFLU!


KayakGirl said...

hmmm. I don't know. What is the message I'm supposed to get from this?

Unknown said...

Wow. Well, the message I got from it is pretty much sumarized in your next post! ;)
That we need to be teaching our kids that having stuff is not what life is about. I love the end, where it is teenagers that are reaching out to other teens. Is it wrong to have an ipod? No, i think not. Is it wrong to have the overall attitude that 'i deserve so much more' I think so. I think when we can look outside of our own wants and see that others have real needs that we can be a part of fulfilling, then we will begin to really live. Having more stuff is not going to fulfill us, ever. Living a life that is in line with the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven...that is where real fulfillment comes from.
That's what I took from it.